Thursday, July 24, 2008

If only we could get to the airport in 8 minutes

This first picture I found online because mine did not look as good. This is the Maglev train that is in Shanghai. It only makes one stop and that is the airport. The station is fairly close to my parents place so one day we decided to take a trip on it....yes, just to the airport and back. It is pretty cool though because of how fast it goes. Once you get on it goes up to 268 mph and you cant even tell your going that fast. It gets you to the airport in under 8 mins. I think it took us an hour to drive to the airport with traffic.

They have these displays so you can see how fast the train is going. We were just about to leave.

This shows our top speed. It was hard to get a super clear picture since we were going to fast.

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