Sunday, November 30, 2008

My new stylist

Actually it would be my sweet niece Brooklyn!! She always likes to help me get ready in the morning like with make up and stuff. One day she decided I needed a new hairstyle. I didnt leave all the clips in for long because they started hurting my head. She was quite proud of the results and wanted to take pictures :)

Friday Night Lights!!

I love this show!! Its currently not on(unless you have Direct TV) but I am eagerly waiting for the spring season. So when a friend emailed me about them needing extras we decided to go help out. They were filming at the Texas Longhorns stadium and needed people to be the crowd for a game. It was my first visit to the stadium since I am not a Longhorn fan ;) They gave us team shirts and then we were all sitting on one side cheering for the team. It was fun to see how they film a football game for TV. Its nothing like a normal game you would go to. There were people with megaphones telling us when to cheer or sit quietly while the crew talked about the next scene. I was alittle bummed that I couldnt find all the stars of the Tim Riggins ;) I dont think he was even there???. I was able to pick out a few though! It was hard to get pictures of them too. Who knows maybe I will even end up on TV in the crowd.

The coach!!
Thats "Landry" running off the field. He is really the only player I could find. It was hard since they all had helmets on.

Its a Pumpkin...oh wait I mean cheeseball!!

So I know some of you know about the cheeseball I can make. If not you are missing out on some cheesy yumminess!! I decided to put a new twist on it for a Halloween party I was going to. I thought it turned out pretty well.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

An Angel in Heaven

Those were the words spoken to me by my sweet niece that I will probably never forget. I thought I would share some thoughts about that day. Most of you probably know that our family suffered a loss a few months ago. For those that don't know my sister was about 21 weeks pregnant and she and the baby developed some major complications. She ended up having to deliver early and gave birth to a girl on Aug 10. Reagan Ryann lived just over an hour and then went to Heaven. It was a rough day for our family and also a scary one knowing that my sisters health was at stake. At one point my mom came out to the waiting room explaining all the things that were going wrong with my sis. I remember I started to panic and ran out of the room because I could barely breathe. I ended up in some hallway and just started asking God to heal her. He did answer our prayers and my sister started improving in the following days. I am so thankful for that. I am also thankful for all of you keeping her and our family in your prayers.

Now onto Reagan. I remember when my sis told me she was pregnant. I was in a store so didnt want to scream with excitement and scare others. I just have to say I love being an aunt, it is so awesome!!!. Brooklyn has brought so much joy to my life and I have loved spoiling her, so I was so looking forward to another niece. I did not meet Reagan before she passed away but I will always hold a special place for her in my heart. We don't always understand why God allows people to be taken from us but I know that He still loves us and has great things planned for us. One thing that has brought me incredible strength from all of this was Brooklyn. I am pretty sure she has been a strength for all the family! I never realized what strength a 3 yr old could provide you. She is the most precious girl and I am so thankful for her. She was told about all that was going on but of course in terms of a child. Before my sis went into the hospital my niece came up to me in the living room. She asked me if I knew who was dying. I just kind of looked at her with a puzzled face. She then said "Itty Bitty and she is going to heaven to be an angel." (she had nicknamed the baby Itty Bitty on her own) I just had to hug her and be amazed at the heart of a child. She has amazing faith and but yet so young. She reminded me at other times during the weekend about Itty Bitty being in heaven and how one day she would get to hold her. I think that weekend really reminded me why Jesus loved children and wanted us to be like them. Brooklyn is a precious gift to our family and I am so thankful to be her aunt!!

Sorry if all that was too depressing. I do have some happy news though. My sister is now going though the process of adopting from China. VERY EXCITING!!!!! I could maybe have another niece/nephew by this time next year :)